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Esogetics 易經 能量治療
Esogetics 易經 能量治療
Esogetics 《易經》 能量治療
Each of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ging has a clearly defined position on the surface of the skin, is drawn there and then treated with the appropriate media. Many years of research and practical appli-

價格 HK$600.00

The tradition of the I-Ging 《易 經》, also called “The Book of Change”, belongs to the spiritual inheritance of humanity. Especially nowadays, in a time of worldwide paradigm shift, it has become more important than ever to remember the lunar abilities that every human being possesses. In his book “The Playful I Ging” Peter Mandel enters completely new territory. His development combines the ancient I Ging oracle with zones on the skin, which he has described in exact detail. The Playful I Ching or the orcle on the Skin and 64 I Ching Play Cards. Author: Peter Mandel. His development combines the ancient I Ging oracle with zones on the skin, which he has described in exact detail.


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